Retainer and Aligner Material
Clear retainer and aligner material is increasingly becoming part of everyday dentistry and orthodontics. The clinician and lab technician have a greater range of materials and specifications to choose from. With continuous improvement of these materials the quality of Orthodontic Retainers, Active Aligners, Bite Plates, Splints, Anti-Snoring Splints, Bruxism Appliances, Bleaching Trays, Fluoridation Trays can be improved. This group of materials is seeing constant improvements in quality and versatility driven by increased demand for active aligners. For a product to be successful today it must be robust yet aesthetic to prevent deformation, resistance to cracks, stress retention resistance and achieve optimal optical clarity. The material should also be easy to work with, easy to fit, durable and aesthetic over the period of its use. A great premium is placed on these products to be free of harmful ingredients such as BPA and other harmful additives.