Adhesive Removal Step 1
Controlled removal of bulk adhesive after brackets were deboned. Shapes for all tooth surfaces. Safe end burs for gingiva protection. Smooth surface after removal of the adhesive. High abrasive performance. Twist Finisher CD379 and CD134 run highly smoothly and cut much finer due to the unique cutting geometry. They leave no grooves on the surface and achieve perfect, extremely smooth working results. A comprehensive range of instruments for use on labial, interdental and close to gingiva, lingual and palatal surfaces make adhesive removal safe and effective. Instruments C375R.FG.012 or C23R.FG.012 can be used to remove the adhesive around the perimeter of the ceramic bracket and create grooves on the cervical and incisal edges of the bracket. These grooves are necessary to secure the bracket pliers or cutters better and safely remove the bracket from the tooth surface. Remove most of the resin under water cooling and turning off the water cooling when most of the composite is removed so that successful differentiation between enamel and composite is possible, thereby preventing damage to enamel. Arkansas stones makes smoothing out irregularities a breeze. High abrasive performance. The more economical solution to carbide burs. The surface after smoothing is comparable to carbide burs.