IPR Diamond Instruments
For interproximal reduction, Jota offers diamond burs with thin tips and thin diamond discs for straight handpieces. These diamond burs with safe end tips prevent the formation of grooves on the proximal walls and protect the gingival margin from injury. Manufacturing to the highest global standards you can expect only the best quality instruments from Jota. High quality natural diamond grit is used. Excellent diamond grain coating. High abrasive performance. Proven concentricity means no vibration. Precise bur diameters allow only the required amount of enamel to be removed. Exceptionally thin tips available. The Jota catalogue and Jota Orthodontic brochure provides extensive information on the comprehensive range of instruments available. The flexible design of the discs allows not only enamel reduction but also contouring. High quality diamond coating. Instrument 401D and 947D with holes provide better visibility. Disc diameters are 10mm, 19 mm and 22 mm. Thickness from 0,15mm to 0,25 mm. Discs to be used with low-speed handpieces.